Friday, April 10, 2015

Life Lately

It has been a while since I've written a blog post, but that changes today!  I have had so much to write about, so naturally I was overwhelmed and didn't write at all.  I am working on a set schedule for my blog posts.  My college friend Amy does Frugal Fridays and every time I read it I am inspired to have a day or two for a specific topic.  I have still been cooking all the time, and my latest cooking has been heavily influenced by The Pioneer Woman. So, I've decided to dedicate Wednesdays to reviewing recipes I've made that are hers, or some version of hers.  I've already made about 10 of her recipes, and have a list of a bunch more to try.  I think it will be helpful to keep me on track if I have a schedule of what I am reviewing each Wednesday, so I am working on that now.  Pioneer Woman Wednesday starts this Wednesday, get excited!

 Okay, so on to the actual point of this post.  Life lately.  Life has been...nuts? Crazy? Sad? Frustrating? Wild? I don't even know the word to use to describe the last few weeks. Things were relatively normal in the days after my birthday.  My parents and Grandma Watkins came to visit us the weekend after my birthday.  That was fun! My parents came late Friday night and my Grandma came on Saturday morning.  I made pizza and a salad for lunch.  It was good for my soul to have guests here.  I am not working currently, and the walls of this apartment sometimes feel like they are coming in on me.  We had a wonderful visit with the family though.  We went to a nearby winery, (which happens to be owned by the same guy that owns the race team Ben works for), and it was so beautiful. We went out to dinner, and really just enjoyed being together!

 Childress Vineyards

After my parents and Grandma left, we made plans for my in-laws to come down at the end of the month.  We were, (and still are), really liking Ben's new job.  His hours are relatively normal. We get to spend weekends together.  A lot of our weekends have been spent house hunting, but I think we have narrowed down the area we would like to live in. One weekend in March we did a Home Tour put on by the local Junior League, and that was really fun.  We got to see a lot of Winston-Salem that we didn't even know existed, which is always exciting.  He works on Sunday afternoons/evenings during the Nascar races, but he is just at the shop, and is home in time for dinner. I love that.

2 and a half weeks ago, my Grandma Hart took a turn for the worst.  She started dialysis in August, and has been having some health issues since about Christmas.  But, every time she would end up sick or in the hospital, she has bounced back. She's a stubborn one, not ready to give up I guess! Anyways, on Wednesday the 25th my parents said we should probably think about getting up to Ohio to be with her, because things just weren't looking very well.  Ben was able to get out of work, (another perk of this new job, a very understanding and kind boss), and we got on the road Wednesday afternoon.  It was an intense morning for me, trying to figure out what to do with the dog, and oh yeah, my in-laws were supposed to arrive Saturday! We had no idea when we would be back.  Despite it being Spring Break in our area, I was able to get Kato into the kennel until Saturday, and my in-laws decided to come down here, (even though we probably wouldn't be home), and pick Kato up from the kennel. Thank goodness.

Our trip up north went pretty smoothly. We did have to take an unplanned 2 hour pit stop to pick up my sister from the Akron airport. It was alright though.  We made it to the hospital around midnight and were able to go in and see my Grandma before we headed to my Aunt's for the night.  Seeing Grandma that night made everything very real.  She wasn't really coherent and that was hard to see.

The family spent the next day at the hospital.  It was horrible, and I really think hospital waiting rooms are the worst place on earth.  Everyone is sad and crying, it was just miserable.  I was so grateful though, to be surrounded by my family. We could lean on each other to get through it. I went into Grandma's room a few times, but I just didn't want to remember her like that, so I spent most of the day in the waiting room.  Ben and I went to dinner with my cousins and sister that night, which was really nice.

Friday was more of the same. The family was at the hospital all together.  My cousins and I passed the hours playing Phase 10 (I know Grandma would approve!).  The last time I went in to Grandma's room, she looked and sounded the worst than I had seen yet.  On Friday evening, we left the hospital around 7. My parents stayed there.  They called around 10:30 pm to say that she was gone.  It was a horrible night, but I am so thankful I was with my husband, sister, and other family members.

On Saturday, planning began for a memorial service.  My Grandma had a tradition of smoking Black and Mild's with the grandchildren at each of our graduation parties, so we decided that the best way to honor her would be to have a Black and Mild all together.  We spent that evening playing cards, (again, Grandma loved cards), and laughing a lot. Despite the circumstances, it was nice to be together.  We smoked our Black and Mild's and watched the UK game. (Meh).  During the game, I started feeling SUPER gross. I was so nauseous and just wanted to puke.  Dad said it was probably the tobacco (ew), so I tried chewing some gum.  I ended up throwing up right before bed, and then every hour until 5 am. It. Was. Awful.  My mom and Ben took me to the ER around 6.  It was so bad I could barely walk to the car. When I got to the ER, they immediately gave me fluids, nausea, and pain meds.  I started feeling better pretty quickly after that. I ended up being diagnosed with gastroenteritis...aka food poisoning or a bug.  It was probably a bug, several of my other family members ended up with it as well.  Yuck.

We had to drive back to North Carolina after I was discharged from the hospital, because Ben had to go back to work on Monday.  I had already decided to fly back to Ohio Monday night for the calling hours on Tuesday.  The drive home was miserable.  Luckily, when we got here, the apartment was spotless and everything was taken care of, thanks to my in-laws.  What a relief! I went right to bed.

Monday I felt much better, and by the calling hours on Tuesday I was doing well.  Although, when the whole family went to dinner that night, I only ate mashed potatoes.  It took me until the weekend to feel comfortable eating normally again.

Luckily, since we have been back this week I have been feeling fine.

One last thing. I wasn't sure if I should share this or not, but it was such an emotional and crazy moment, I think the world should hear about it.  We got back from Easter weekend on Monday.  In the mail, there was a birthday card and $20 for me, from my Grandma Hart. She must have sent it in the last few days before she got really bad. I cried so much when I read it.  I am so humbled that she thought of me, and it is a gift I will covet and keep forever.  Just writing about it now is making me tear up. Sniff. I miss Grandma so much, but I know she is up there hanging with Grandpa and her sister, watching over us.  Thank you for the card Grandma, I love you!!
Me, Grandma, her dog Baby, and Sister in 2009

1 comment:

  1. I am teary eyed about the card from your Grandma. Little reminders like that can sum up SO much love. - My Grandma passed away 2 years ago this month. I had made a card to send her, she was very briefly sick with cancer before her passing, and just never put it in the mail. She entered the Life Eternal before I sent it. I keep the stamped envelope in my desk to remind me daily to always send the card, make the phone call, etc We just never know how much time we have. Praying for you and your family and for peace.
