Wednesday, November 11, 2015

30 weeks...a butt-kicking

The third trimester of pregnancy is kicking. my. butt. Shoo-eee....

Weeks along:
I am 30 weeks, 3 days today, November 11.  Officially in the last trimester and really feeling it's effects.  It's intense.

Baby Size
Baby Girl is somewhere between 2.5 and 3 pounds, the size of a winter squash. (Which looks like a small pumpkin? This is just what my app says..).

I feel pretty awful these days, and just try to get through each day. And to think I still have 2 months to go! I am exhausted, and every task takes twice as long as it used to.  I have to be careful to not push it with the activity level.  Twice in the last week or so I have done way too much and really paid for it by being really really tired, (but I still can't sleep!) and in a lot of physical pain all over my body.  I have been trying to pack our apartment, because we are moving in March, and Lord knows I won't want to (or be able to to) pack when Baby Girl is here, so I am trying to get ahead. It is not going well.  I pack and clean one shelf or dresser and it puts me down for the rest of the day.  Or, I've been doing grocery shopping at Trader Joe's and Walmart because it's honestly the most economical/best thing for us right now (that's drama for another post..), but grocery shopping at 2 places is the only thing I can do for the entire day.  Also, I have to walk the dog really slow.  This is  hard for me to deal with, because I consider myself a do-er, and not being able to DO things is mentally killing me.  I am learning that I need to just slow everything down, and chill when I physically feel the need to chill.  It's hard, but with so much time left in the pregnancy, slowing everything down is the only option I have.  Also, drinking water seems to make me feel better, so I've been doing that a lot.  All you Mommies who work right up until you give birth, God Bless You. I don't know how you do it but so many of you do, so maybe I'm just missing something?  Also, how does this work when you have other children around?  I hope that next time I will be in better physical shape at the start of the pregnancy and maybe that will make me feel better throughout.  We'll see.  I kind of feel like because I didn't have morning sickness, this third trimester exhaustion/difficulty is karma for a relatively easy first trimester. Idk if pregnancy works like that, but whatevs, it feels like it. OR maybe I'm just a wimp, which is totally possible..

Little girl is really active these days, and I love it.  Feeling her move is the coolest thing. I try to talk or sing to her when she's moving. I also read her some books the other day.  :)I need to start counting the kicks this week.  The craziest part of her moving is when I can feel it from my ribs to my hips all at once.  She is the most active in the morning and in the evenings, and after I drink cold things. Her movements have gotten really strong this week!

Sugar is still my number 1 craving.  I have been TRYING to eat well because I know that has a direct effect on how I feel.  It's tough though, especially when I am so tired and don't feel like cooking food or going to the grocery.  Lots of crockpot meals and spaghetti going on around here right now.  I am trying to keep up with cooking good food, because even though the physical act of it is tough, when I'm done, (and by done I mean the meal is eaten, the dishes are done, and the kitchen is clean) I feel very satisfied and like I accomplished something.  I've always felt that way about cooking a meal, so I will keep trying.

Lack thereof. Still.  Even though I am tired, I don't sleep through the night. I've accepted that I probably won't sleep for a long time-maybe ever again. My hips and back hurt a LOT at night, so I'm using 3 pillows...1 under my head, 1 that I hold, and 1 between my knees.  This helps my pain a lot, although it does drive my poor husband nuts.

Maternity Clothes
I think I finally have a handle on this! I finally have enough to get me through the week without doing laundry twice.  It helped that I got some clothes from my mom and mother-in-law, and I bought some clothes on a recent trip to Indianapolis.  I finally have enough casual clothes for just being around the house and nicer clothes for going out. (Going out means something completely different than it did 5 years ago huh? By going out I mean-to the grocery, to Target, or the movies. Or Texas Roadhouse when we are feeling crazy..)

A new category! I've been in yoga for about 6 weeks, and I really like it.  It's hard, but again, I have to remember not to push it.  I think I have a friend in class too, she's nice, and just 5 weeks ahead of me. :) Yoga makes me feel pretty good, and I am feeling more prepared for birth than ever.

We also started birth class, which has been great. It's really informative and encouraging.  It surprises me how much of what they say aligns with what I have been wanting and thinking about for this birth, (being in control, doing things the way I want to do them, dealing with pain, etc.).  It's really a great class, and again, I am starting to feel really prepared.  Woo!

Although this has been a little negative type post because I don't feel good, I really am excited to be this far along, and thank God for my good health and my baby's good health. I really can't wait to meet our girl.  I can't wait to see who she looks like, figure out her personality, and see the dynamic she brings to our little family.  I also can't wait to see how she interacts with her Daddy, and his reaction to her. =)

Note to self: Growing a human is really hard work, but it WILL be worth it!


  1. Rest. Rest. Rest!! Do not even think about ladies who work until the end or who are "doing more." Slow your life down, rest when you can!! I did this both times and I was so thankful for when the real work came - labor, delivery, and recovery!!! Everyone's body is different and every pregnancy is different but I really believe in resting your body. Even though you may not feel like a lot of work is being done IT IS!! Like you wrote in your post you are growing a human - that takes a TON of energy every day!! Praying for you!!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement Amy!!
