Friday, January 1, 2016

2015-A Reflection

The past few years I have done a reflection on this blog on what has happened over the past year, usually by month.  This year was kind of a weird one, so I am going to do my 2015 reflection a little differently.  I found this article on BuzzFeed, and it got me thinking, so I chose 10 of them to help me reflect on the year 2015.

1. What did you do this year that you are proud of?
     I cooked a LOT of meals for our little family.  I tried a lot of new meals and succeeded at most of them, which is a success in my book! 

2. What were some of your favorite movies?
     We saw a ton of movies this year.  I really liked Inside Out & The Intern.

3.  What were some of the fears you had at the beginning of the year that you overcame?
      I was afraid our house would never sell. (It did). I was afraid we wouldn't be able to get what we wanted in a new house. (We are).  I was afraid of how long it would take to get pregnant. (About 4 months).  

4.  What are the most important things you learned this year?
    I learn this every year, but nothing happens the way we imagine it will.  We can lay out plans and be prepared, but rarely does something happen in this life the way I think it will.  We are actually calling this chapter of our life, "Things that didn't go according to plan."  I learned that it's okay if things aren't the way you thought they would be, sometimes they even work out better!

5. What is your favorite photo from this year?
       I could never choose just one, so here are some highlights. :) 
 Kato, as silly as ever.

My birthday at the vineyard

 Easter, just a really great photo

  My favorite photo from the epic journey across the country with my biffle 

Epcot fireworks while visiting my sister at Disney

 Visiting a North Carolina beach for the first time this summer.  

A highlight of my entire life so far. (And we haven't even met her!)

And our new house, which is coming right along!  

6. What are 5 things you want to say to the people you love?
  A) I love you, more than you will ever know.  B) Thank you for always loving me, even if I act like a crazy person. C) If I don't see you that often, know that you are on my mind always.  D) I don't know what I did to deserve such amazing people in my life, but I am very thankful for you! 

7.  Where do you feel most yourself?
  Alone with my hubby, or at the beach.  Or both at the same time. 

8. What are five things that you were hard on yourself about but would never have been hard on a friend if they were experiencing it?
   Weight gain in pregnancy.  I've felt super out of control with this.  I can't wait for this girl to get here so I can run and feel more like myself.  My major 2016 resolution is to run at least 1 competitive race each month.   (Starting in March obviously.)

9.  What are some things you'd like to focus on and work on in the next year?
   Running.  Being a good Mommy to our little one.  Being a better wife. 

10.  What are you excited about in 2016? (This wasn't a question on the article, but I want to talk about it anyways. :)  )
 Our growing family-both our immediate and extended-, moving into our new house, my sister's wedding and all the festivities, and the fresh starts that a new year always brings! 

Happy New Year friends and family, I hope 2016 is your best year yet! 

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to 2016 and seeing pictures of your sweet baby girl!! Okay, "looking forward" may also mean a bit of FB stalking in the next few weeks as we pray for you both and your little one!
