Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Kate and Lauren Go West-Days 1 & 2 (Nashville and Tyler)

Starting today I am going to blog about our EPIC road trip out west.  It was an AWESOME trip and I am so excited to share the stories and adventures with you! Background: My biffle Kate was moving out to San Francisco for a new job, so we decided to road trip across the country to move her there!

Day 1

    The weather the day we left Kentucky was horrendous.  Pouring rain, and cold. We started out day 1 in Georgetown, Indiana, (just outside of Louisville), at a birthday party.  Okay, so we weren't actually there for the birthday party part, but we were there to spend time with Kate's siblings before her big move.  Everyone was very nice and welcoming, and it was a fun time.  I met a 94 year old woman who was in the Navy in World War II. That was cool.  They fed us while we were there, a delicious brunch of french toast and sausage.  Kate also had brisket and BBQ pork and said it was wonderful as well.  I tell ya, a LOT of this trip was about food.  Just wait and see! :)

   From Indiana, we headed to Nashville! We started playing the license plate game on the way there, did you know there's an app for that? Fun.  By Bowling Green we had seen 14 different license plates! Neato.

Of course we had to take a picture of the Corvette museum, with more time we would have stopped.


Nashville! I really love this city!

When we got to Nashville, we found our dear friend Jori's place with no problem at all. In fact, she lives in the same neighborhood as Big and Rich. (I can't remember if it's Big or Rich's house..) Fun fact: Big or Rich's house is UGLY.    We freshened up and headed out on the town! We went to a block party at Marathon Music Works, which was great fun.  I didn't know any of the bands, but Jori did.  It was nice to sit and enjoy the weather, music, and each other's company! It was so great to see Jori!  

On the way, we went to a FLOAT store. It was a little shop that just sells root beer floats. Omg, they were so good.  Mine was something like butterbeer, and it had a cookie in it.  YUM (Told you this would all be about food).   

We enjoyed our floats in this little courtyard, it was so beautiful!

At the festival we had brick oven pizza from a food truck, and free water. This pizza was YUM and made me think of Ben and I's favorite Indiana pizza place, Tony Sacco's.  

Love these girls, love Nashville.

After the music festival, we went downtown to Broadway.  We got down there at 8:30, with an understanding that we were leaving by 10, because A) We are old. and B) We had a LOT of driving to do.  We went to a dueling piano bar called The Big Bang and it was a lot of fun. They played great songs, and we saw a LOT of bachelorettes.  Brought back so many memories of my own bach in Nashville! When we got back to Jori's (yes, at 10), we had some yummy guacamole.  I don't even really like guacamole, but this one was so good.  Jori made it from scratch.  Mmm. After our snack it was off to bed!!

Downtown selfie

Day 2
  We got up the next morning and had coffee with Jori, then headed out about 8 am.  The weather in Nashville the day we arrived was perfect, but the morning we left was cloudy and rainy.  We drove down to Memphis, and then crossed the Mighty Mississippi! That was neat.  


The ever-changing landscape...

    We drove all the way across Arkansas, and into Texas, which I have to say was pretty boring.  We listened to a lot of music and jammed.  And by jammed I mean we sang at the top of our lungs.  :) We had to get off the highway about 2 hours before we actually got to Tyler, and that was terrible.  Drivers in East Texas are SLOW.  It was painful, but we finally made it to Melissa's, another high school friend of ours.  (We stayed with people we knew the entire way! Amazing!) Melissa and Chris's place was super cute, and it was of course amazing to see AB! She showed me her room, (which we were staying in), and her American Girl Dolls, and was her always adorable self.


Love this little girl! She's so big now though, she is even president of her class at her new school! 

After playing a fun dictionary-type game that AB insisted we play, the girls went to dinner at a yummy Mexican place.  During dinner, we talked to Annabelle about her new friends, and she asked us lots of funny and interesting questions. I can't get over how grown up she is. My favorite part, (besides spending time with besties), was that this place gives everyone their OWN salsa, and their OWN cream sauce thing, which was SO good.  
Also, see the butter? Apparently squeeze butter is a thing in Tyler, Texas. With Mexican food. Weird. 
After dinner, we took AB home and then went to a brew house type thing.  It was Sunday night, so there weren't many people in there.  It was so nice to spend time and just talk with Melissa and Kate.  These 2 are some of my best friends in the whole world, and I am so sad we are living in 3 completely different corners of the country.  I loved being with them though, it felt like being home. :)

We all had local brews, mmm.

All in all, days 1 & 2 were VERY long, but totally worth it to see our friends.  :) Stay tuned for Days 3 &4! 

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