Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tot School: Colors Week!

Our theme in tot school last week was colors, and I chose to focus on the primary colors- red, yellow, and blue-to keep it simple.  I have to was a bit of a struggle. The activities were maybe too simple for her, or at least they didn't keep her attention all that well.  
On Monday, we colored with red, blue, and yellow Color Wonder markers. We colored a letter B because that was the letter of the week! Sky definitely favored the red marker, that Cardinal girl that she is. ;) During this activity she started to pick up on the fact that markers are much easier to color with...when the crayons that we had pulled out wouldn't work, (because she wasn't pushing hard enough), she mostly just threw them out of the way and went back to the markers.  I kept showing her though, and we'll keep working on it.

On this day she also pulled out the stackers on her own, (mostly primary colors!),  which was good.

Tuesday we had a tube drop. Skylar liked this, but it didn't keep her attention for very long.  Mostly she enjoyed shaking the bag of pom poms and making them go everywhere. SO fun. 

Why these pictures are blurry, I may never know. They looked fine on my phone. Sigh.
We also played with a red sensory box that I put together from every smallish red toy I could find.  

 Her favorite part about the box was the red bottle, which was no surprise. She carried it around for a long time, and tried putting lots of different things in the bottle, the pom poms, the balls, some stackers. I expected this, and it was pretty cute.  She liked throwing the red toys all over as well!

 On Wednesday, we explored a yellow sensory box. This kept her occupied for all of 2 minutes. We also practiced putting the primary colored pit balls in the muffin tin. She enjoyed dumping the tin more than anything.  We played with the pit balls for quite a while, throwing them around, putting them in buckets and dumping them, and shaking them off the parachute.  We also colored a Bird picture, (bird starts with B!). I may have mentioned my sweet baby has a phobia of birds, so we are working on that. :) (PS this picture came from a coloring book I found at Home Goods of all places. I seriously hit the motherload there last week, and found a TON of stuff for school time at really good prices. Puzzles, coloring books, a neat chalkboard/dry erase board, all kinds of things. It was awesome.  

Mom. I like this red crayon, but this bird is still a little...freaky.  

Our 4th and final day of Tot School last week, (and honestly, I can't remember if it was Thursday or Friday..I blame pregnancy brain.), was probably the least successful day of the week.  Whatever we had going on that day had us doing school at a different time than normal, and this girl is a creature of habit. (Hey, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree..).  She was tired, and by the end she was in a very ornery school time did not last very long.  We were successful with the lacing beads however, she really enjoyed trying to get the string through the beads, stacking the beads, and just general play with the string.  Her fine motor skills seem pretty decent, here's hoping she got those from her Dad...cuz this Momma is not skilled in that department..

Overall, even though the week was a little difficult and our school times were a bit short, I would call colors week a success! Skylar is absolutely loving school time...when I tell her it's time for school she goes right to the stairs, ready to go! I hope this love of learning stays with her forever!  

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