Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just another Tuesday

Today was a gorgeous day! I love when it's sunny and warm, puts me in a great mood.  The weather directly affects my moods, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Today's funny kid moment at work:
Kid 1: Ms Coach Lauren, Whitney kicked me.
Kid 2: In the nuts???
They are 4 years old! What is this world coming to? Aye aye aye.

I went for a run today, made it 18 whole minutes without stopping, which is quite an accomplishment pour moi.  I am currently training for two 5K's in November, that happen to be two days apart.  Should be fun!

Also, I have a new obsession...it's called Half Price Books.  I don't know why I have never discovered this store before, but the books there are SO CHEAP.  I got 4 books for 12 bucks.  Can't get that at Barnes and Noble!

Now I am off to make some yummy apple crisp (well let's hope it's yummy.) Tis the season for apples, and I know we won't eat all of the apples I bought.  I shall post a pic in my next post. Wish me luck!

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