Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The past 2.5 months

After my first post it occurred to me that I really don't have much to say on a blog for others to read.  I mean honestly, our life is not exciting.  Or so I thought.  It's taken me this long to come up with things to say. Of course in our daily life my sweet sweet husband often replies to my various witty comments with "you should blog about that".  So here we are.  Today's thoughts: Running.  Moving.  Christmas/New Years.   Using this blog as more of a journal and less of trying to entertain the world.  My prayers/thoughts from today.

Running: I have been running pretty consistently for the past couple of months.  I took a short break back in October because I had a nagging pain in the side of my foot that just wouldn't go away.  After doing some internet diagnosing (the best thing to do right?), I decided that I needed to quit running on it for a bit, since jumping, sliding, hopping and skipping are part of my everyday life.  (I have an awesome job!)  After a solid 2 week break I started again, and of course basically had to start from the beginning in terms of endurance.  Luckily since that break I haven't had much pain in my foot, only the occasional ache in the morning.  In mid-November, Dad and I ran 2 5k's in 36 hours, and it was awesome.  The first one was at The Kentucky Horse Park (The Southern Lights Stroll).  It was awesome running at night through the Christmas lights, and Dad and I had a good time running together, since we haven't done that in about 6 years.
This is Dad and I before the credit to my mother-in-law! (I don't know why my face looks so chunk)

It was a pretty cold November night! 

The other race we ran was on a Saturday morning at Middletown United Methodist Church and it was not as awesome.  The whole thing, (and I mean the entire thing), was uphill.  Both ways.  Ick! I had terrible calf cramps when it was over, and I honestly can't say I enjoyed that one!  In December I ran a 4K by myself in Cherokee Park.  It wasn't too bad but it was COLD.  Definitely the chilliest temperature I had ran in at that point.  My face was numb most of the way, but luckily I layered and had on warm gloves.  The run itself was tough.  Lots of long, slow uphills.  Good times.  Next on the radar is the Frostbite 5k (once again at Cherokee Park) this Saturday.  I've been busy training for it, and I even have a Nike chip in my shoe's a sweet device that connects to an app on my phone and tracks my workout.  Very cool.

Moving: Well the word is out.  We are moving.  All the way to Indianapolis.  Ben got his dream job with an IndyCar race team, and he couldn't be more excited. I'm excited for him, and I'm excited to move, but the whole thing has been incredibly complicated.  The turnover was very fast, like he interviewed on Tuesday and was given an offer on Thursday before Christmas.  Obviously he accepted.  So now, we have to a)find a way out of our apartment lease b) find a place to live and c)move. We talked to our people at our current apartment and they aren't being too helpful.  We have to give 60 days notice and pay a termination fee and blah blah blah.  So the bottom line is that I am stuck here in Louisville until the end of February.  Ben gets to work at his new job and live in our new apartment, which we luckily found after two separate trips to Indy during the week between Christmas and New Year's.  Thank goodness we didn't have to work!

Christmas and New Year's: Christmas was odd, but good.  We had our families and family friends here for Christmas Eve, which was lovely.  I made a peppermint cheesecake (which wasn't cheesecake at ALL), mint chocolate chip cookies (which were delish), and peanut butter fudge (which started as Buckeyes but failed miserably.)  We played some games and drank and ate.  It was good fun.  Christmas Day Ben and I had our first Christmas morning together at our apartment.  We sat in front of the tree and opened our presents, starting our own little tradition! After presents and a yummy breakfast of eggs, bacon and hash browns (Ben's request), we went to my mom and dad's.  There were tons of presents and lots of yummy food, and we really enjoyed our time there.  After that, we spent the afternoon with the in-laws and ate some Christmas dinner.  All in all it was a really nice Christmas, although different from any Christmas I've ever experienced!
Our Christmas Tree (picture taken with my new camera!)

Mom and Dad's tree.  SO many presents!

For New Year's, my dad's family came to town and we all had a lovely time.  Friday night we hung out at mom and dad's after a yummy dinner at Mi Casita.  I got to see some high school buds too, which is always a plus.  On actual New Year's eve, we went to my aunt and uncle's, and it was a really great time.  We played games, looked at old photos, and of course rang in 2012!

We are so excited for what 2012 will bring us!

I know this is a long post, but there is one more thing I must say.  
My prayer today, (and often), is that my children will be born with some sort of athletic ability.  I know it seems like a silly thing to say, but honestly.  I work with so many children, and there are many who are incredibly gifted in sports.  However, there is a large, scary number of them who just have no clue.  I have always been involved in athletics and sports, really for as long as I can remember, so it is very hard for me to fathom a 3rd grader who doesn't have any clue how to play kickball.  The conversation is this: Me-It's the same rules as tee ball or baseball.  3rd grader-I've never played.  This BLOWS MY MIND.  I thought it was a right of passage for 4 year olds to play tee ball.  Really.  I have a hard time grasping a 4th grader who doesn't know how to put on a baseball glove.  The really sad part of it to me is that the majority of the clueless are girls.  The gap between the boys and girls that I teach is incredible.  The boys know how to play every sport, and generally have significant ability in almost all of them.  The only thing the girls that I teach know is volleyball, (if they know anything at all about sports, which many of them don't).  I've never seen anything like it.  Maybe it has to do with the demographic I am teaching, and the type of school I am in.  I don't know, but it concerns me greatly, and I am doing everything I can to educate!  Parents of the world, please put your children (especially your daughters), in sports.  Please play catch with them in the back yard.  Please send them outside to play.  We have the power to enable our children to be athletically gifted, or at least physically fit and we can give them the knowledge to lead a healthy lifestyle!  

That is all. :)  

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