Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The past...2 years?

It has been a LONG time since I have logged onto blogger and wrote something.  My life is a bit different than it was the last time I posted, which was in October of 2011/January 2012. I just read over what I wrote back then, and I can't believe those posts were nearly 2 years ago. As much as I want to think things are WAY different now, they really aren't that different. Is that sad? Or is that good? I'm not sure..
Things that are different in November 2013 than they were in October 2011:

December 2011: We had been married 2 months, and lived in a little apartment in Louisville. Our lives were getting ready to change big time.
November 2013: We have been married for 2 years and 3 months. But who's counting? =P We live in a suburb north of Indianapolis, in a house that we built. (!) We adore our house. Soon I will do an entire post about that. =) Our life is fairly consistent, no huge changes on the horizon. We'll see how long that lasts.

December 2011: I had an awesome job with Stretch n Grow of Kentucky.
November 2013: I have no job. Essentially by choice. It's a long and complicated situation. (Again, another post for another day). I am currently a full-time wife, and I actually really love it. I have to say it is a million and a half times better than what I was doing...

December 2011: I was running some. A few races here and there.
November 2013: I am still running some, and in May of this year I ran a half marathon. Absolutely my biggest personal accomplishment since graduating from college.  You guessed it, another post for another day.

There are a lot of things that are still the same as they were back then.  For example, I am still madly in love with my husband.  He makes me laugh every day, even if I don't want to laugh. He is there for me in my times of crisis, holding my hand and walking me through whatever my issue of the day is.  He is so smart, and keeps our life organized and flowing, especially financially.  Not just because he is the only money-maker currently, but because he is in charge of the budget, and he does a great job. Sometimes I don't like what he has to say, but he absolutely understands what is going on with every penny we have, and I appreciate that.  Oh, and today is his 26th birthday. 26! Who woulda thought we would be here, married, in Indy, at 26. Wow.

Okay world, hear me now. I WILL blog. I WANT to blog. My goal is to blog 1-3 times per week. There. A realistic, specific goal to reach for.  Ready, go!

Listening to: Defying Gravity, Glee Cast Version

1 comment:

  1. Lauren! I LOVE your blogs!! Keep 'em coming, please. If you want to write a really long one Thursday......;-)
