Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Blog about a Dog-Kato at 11 weeks

I've decided to dedicate Tuesdays to blogging about our puppy dog and all of our adventures with him.  Today I'll start with his history so far!

We brought Kato the pure-bred brindle Boxer home on December 15. He was 7.5 weeks old when we got him.  Looking back on it now, I know we didn't introduce him to his new home exactly the way we should have, (according to Cesar Milan), but I don't think he's any worse for the wear.  We went and got him on a whim, although we'd been talking about and looking at Boxers for about a month.  Someone finally got back in touch with us so we jumped on the opportunity.  Actually taking him was quite an ordeal...we picked out the one we wanted, but we literally had nothing for him, so we had to leave him with the breeder while we ran to the pet store and bought a crate.  We got back to the breeder, ready to take him, but the breeder would only take cash...so it was back in the car, to the atm, and finally back to pick up our cutie.  We put him in the crate when we got in the car, and he did not care for it. Now I know it was because this was a totally foreign environment, and the first time he was away from his siblings.  At the time, I just fell so sorry for him, so I made Ben pull over.  I got him from the crate and held him in my lap the rest of the way home.  He was so nervous and scared, so I just cuddled him.  Cesar says this was wrong, but I regret nothing =P. He eventually settled down (it was a 45 minute ride), and went to sleep in my lap.

Here's some pictures from puppy's first night at home:
From the moment he arrived, we discovered that he is a snuggle bunny (puppy?). This will be hilarious when he is 95 lbs!

Such a wittle guy right now!

We are trying very hard to keep him off of the furniture. It's hard with him being such a snuggle buggle, but he seems content to sleep at our feet, which we love!

The next day was Monday, and I had a total meltdown of a day.  Because we got him on a whim, we didn't stop to consider our plans for the week.  I was supposed to go to my parents on Tuesday, while Ben traveled to Florida for a race car test.  I was going to stay there until Thursday.  We discovered how much like a newborn Kato really was, and finally determined it would be in his best interest if him & I stayed home.  I had a meltdown because I literally had NO idea what I was doing with this thing.  I have never had a dog in my life, (I know I know), and I literally couldn't fathom how I was going to make it through 3 days by myself with this puppy.  My dear husband and parents assured me that I most likely would not kill it, as long as I fed him, we'd be alright.  So that's what I did. For 3 days Kato and I hung out, and no one died.  I cried about once a day, out of sheer panic for what we have gotten ourselves into.  I wanted him to be potty trained, I wanted him to go in his crate and be content so I could go places, and I wanted him to stop biting when he was on my lap, but it occurred to me that puppy training can not be rushed.  It also occurred to me that I had to have patience.  Looking back on it almost a month later, I can safely say we have come a LONG way from those 3 days.  However, we were SO happy when Daddy came home on Thursday! Then the real training work could begin!

We tried our best to start on potty training, but I don't think we really made progress until Ben's mom arrived on Christmas Eve. Thank the LORD that she came when she did.  She knows what she is doing, (she's had a LOT of puppies in her life!), and without her guidance for 5 days, we wouldn't have made it.  She got Kato started on a potty schedule (every 30 minutes we have to take him out!). Christmas Day was fabulous because he got SO many toys....aka SO many things to chew on besides our feet and hands! Kato loved Christmas, and knew exactly which presents were his!
Our family stockings.

Kato going to town on his stocking. He didn't know what was in there but he knew it smelled good!

A few days after Christmas we had a huge weekend-long party. 23 people were in the house for 2 days, and Kato did amazing.  Again, I thank Ben's mom for this.  It would have been bad if she hadn't been here. She kept him on a leash while he was awake which was brilliant.  It kept him from going crazy and getting overwhelmed.  He slept a lot during the party, which was a miracle!

Since Christmas we have been working hard on a sleep schedule, potty schedule, and crate training.  All are going well.  At this point we are only getting up with him once in the night to potty. We take him out every 30 minutes while he is awake, and he cries very little when it's time to go in his crate.  

Side note: Potty training was going well until yesterday.  Sunday we got a foot of snow, and yesterday the wind chills were around -40 all day. Aka we can't take our little puppy (or ourselves) outside.  We've been trying for the last 2 days to make him pee pee on the puppy pads like he did when first got him, but I can tell he's confused. I just hope we can get back on our every 30 minute schedule in a day or 2. :-/ 

We have an adventure to my parents and Ben's parents coming up this weekend.  So there's 2 things we need to accomplish in the next 3 days....get back on the pottying outside program, and get used to the car.  We've gone on one 30 minute car ride in the crate, and we need to do it again,  for longer. The trip coming up is 3 hours. Luckily we plan on leaving (and coming back) when it is his usual nap time, (hence the consistent sleep schedule we have worked so hard for!) so hopefully he will just sleep the entire trip. It should be an adventure for sure.

Here's Kato last week at 10 weeks old:
 And today at 11 weeks old:

Here's a few more pictures.  Sometimes this puppy is SO naughty, (he likes to run away with our shoes, or sneak through the gate into the dining room, and he's still obsessed with chasing and eating our feet...and hands...and hair....), but when he looks at me like this, I melt. 
I mean..just look at this face. 

Note: When he is tired, he is very snuggly and nice to sit with. When he is wound up, watch out...he can be WILD.  I am anxiously awaiting bearable weather and his 4 month birthday (5 weeks to go!) when we can take him to the park and run him for a long long time. That way he won't be wild in the house. (Hopefully).  Cesar says "A tired dog is s good dog!" and it is absolutely true.
He loves this chicken. His other favorite toys are his "chewies" (bones), his zebra (which he likes to snuggle in his crate), and his tennis ball. His mouth is finally big enough so he can pick it up. We are learning to fetch! (Inside because it's winter...thank goodness our house is big enough and an open floor plan!)

Love this wittle guy!

Puppy's first ride in the car. He did alright, but we need some more practice!

Whaaat? Why can't I eat your face?

Kato LOVES his daddy.  

Overall, I would say puppy is doing well in his new home.  We absolutely adore him, and I think he is starting to like us too. We continue to work on being his pack leader, and I have hope he'll understand and become calm and submissive soon. For now, he's still our wild man.

That is all for today, Kato says night night, time for snuggles with my zebra!

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