Friday, January 3, 2014

Throwback Thursday...On Friday

I forgot to do a Throwback Thursday post yesterday, so I'll do one today. I like the idea of having a themed blog post for certain days of the week. I think it will keep me accountable, and help me be a better writer!

Today's Throwback Thursday (On Friday) is about our trip to Disney World back in the middle of October.  We actually decided to go on a whim, about a week before.  My parents were going anyways, (to see my sister who was working there), and had already decided on a condo.  The week they were going happened to be the week that Ben was off after the last race of the season, and it happened to be the week after my last day of work.  The timing was right, and I was ready to see my sissy, so we decided to go.

Day 1: Mom, Dad & I drove down early Sunday.  The night before we went to bed around...1 am, and ended up getting up at 4 to hit the road.  It was a long, long drive but totally worth it! Ben would be flying to meet us there on Tuesday.

We saw this super awesome trailer on the way down...I love Yuengling!

We got to our condo Sunday evening, after a rather uneventful trip.  Our condo backed right up to Morgan's apartment, which was neat.  We were able to walk down the sidewalk to meet her, and THAT was super exciting! We went up to see her place and chat a little bit.  To welcome us, Morgan gave us adorable baskets filled with Disney things....shirts, scarves, candy, a Mickey Mouse flipper, of course guide maps to all the parks, etc. It was all super cute, and we really appreciated it! Then she showed us our itinerary for the next day.  She wrote down everything we needed to see while Ben wasn't with us...mostly because he doesn't do roller coasters, so we needed to get those done. We went to dinner at a restaurant at the hotel that night, and went swimming in the awesome pool.  Then we headed for bed, we had a big day planned for Monday!

Day 2: We woke up bright and early to hit the parks! We went to Hollywood Studios first.  It was fantastic because not only did Morgan have the day off, (so she could be our tour guide!) we also had guest passes that we all got, for FREE.  They were park hopper too, so that was awesome.  The first thing we did in Hollywood Studios was get fast passes for Tower of Terror.  Then we rode Rockin Roller Coaster, something I've wanted to ride since I was in Hollywood Studios last, in 1999! It was AH-mazing.  I loved it.  
Ready to hit the parks!

My cute family 

Rockin was definitely rockin!

After hitting a few more rides at Hollywood Studios, (including Tower of Terror....just as fantastic as last time I rode it!) we headed to Animal Kingdom.  We saw the Lion King, which was one of the greatest shows I've ever seen....we went on a safari, which blew my mind.  We were so CLOSE to the animals, and it was just so cool.  We went on Everest, watched monkeys play, and saw Finding Nemo: The Musical.  I had never been to Animal Kingdom, but I really liked it, and would definitely like to go back some day!  

The day still wasn't over after Animal Kingdom, we ended the day at Magic Kingdom, watching fireworks.  That was neat, but the crowds were pretty awful there. You couldn't really walk down Main Street. I think we just timed it wrong, because we got there right as the fireworks were starting. After fireworks, we headed back to the condo, and to bed!

Day 3: Dad & I started the day by picking up Ben at the airport! That was exciting.  After we picked up Ben, we grabbed everyone else and headed for Clearwater Beach.  My parents will be retiring in less than 10 years, so whenever they are in Florida they like to look at potential retirement places! We had a beautiful day in Clearwater, the weather was perfect, and it was nice to just relax and enjoy each other's company!

Day 4: On Wednesday, Morgan had to work.  This was okay because we wanted to see her in action! We started the day at Hollywood Studios.  We went on Star Tours, and the Great Movie Ride before it was time to go see her! She worked at the Backlot Tour, and it was SO cool to watch her do her thing.  She was definitely in her element! Plus, we got to sit VIP, which is always fun!
There she is! She was awesome at her job!

After we watched Morgan we got to sit VIP for the Lights, Motor, Action! Stunt Show and that was really really cool. I think Ben liked that best. =)
The set for the stunt show

After that, we headed to Epcot.  I LOVED Epcot. It was so much better than when I was a kid.  We went on a few things, (Mom & I thought we were gonna die on Mission to Mars!). I liked going in the ball again. That is one of the things that sticks out in my mind from when we went in 99, and it was just like I remembered it!  We went to the world showcase, which was absolutely awesome.  We happened to be there during the food & wine festival. This meant there were tons of little stands from every country you can imagine, selling their country's food and beverages.  Ben & I had ravioli from Italy (of course), and it was SO GOOD.  Real Italian food is just as great as I hoped it would be.  We split up from Mom & Dad after that, and made our way around to the different countries.  I had a little wine in Italy. Ben's favorite was Germany (which I thought was neat too), and of course my favorite was France.  It helped that Belle was there! 

I really really liked Epcot, if I haven't mentioned that yet.  I had Mexican for dinner, (shocker), and then we met up with Morgan, who was off work! We walked around with her some, and went on Test Track, (another one I remembered from childhood, but it was way different this time) and then watched fireworks.  After that it was off to Magic Kingdom again! We went on Space Mountain and a few other things. We shut Magic Kingdom down that night.  Another exhausting day, but it was a fun one!

Day 5: Morgan was off work, but we were a guest pass short.  (The day before Mom just bought a park hopper ticket so we could be together).  Mom decided to spend the day shopping, (the outlet malls are fantastic), and Dad, Morgan, Ben & I headed off to Magic Kingdom.  We did all the things we hadn't done, but you gotta do while you're there. We did the TomorrowLand Speedway and the Teacups, and ate some yummy sundaes.  The only downside to this day was the weather. It was overcast and just a little bit cold. Otherwise, it was a fun day!

That night we made dinner in the condo, and it was a hilarious dinner. I don't remember exactly why, but we were all just silly.  It was fun family memories for sure. :)

Day 6: The last day =( Morgan was working, so Ben & I shopped at the outlets.  We got a couple things, but I am still thinking about things I wish I would have bought while I was there. Oh well, not meant to be.  I did get my first big girl purse from Coach, which I love. Mom & I also went to Downtown Disney to shop.  My legs were aching by the time we got home! That night we had a lovely family dinner at Bahama Breeze.  It was a great way to cap off a wonderful trip!

Sister and I before the last supper.

That night we said goodbye to Morgan, which was really sad. We really had a great time in Disney World though, and those are amazing memories with each other that we will never forget! 

This trip just reminded me that time with family is so very important, and my family means more to me than anything else.  I love to travel with them and be with them.  I feel blessed that we all get along so well, and can stand to be around each other for a week, when there are so many families that can't.  Every night before bed I thank God for my family, my friends and Ben. You know that quote, "What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"  I always remember that. If I woke up tomorrow with only my family, my friends, and Ben, I would be perfectly happy.  Really, what else do I need?  

Okay enough sappiness.  Disney World rocked my socks. My family always rocks my socks.  That is all. =)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that quote. I have never heard that but think I need to write it down. Thanks for sharing and for sharing your adventure! SO fun! Happy New Year!
