Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Taking Care of Me: Week 1 Complete!

Here's what I did to take care of myself this week!

I have not had a Coke since last Monday. That is 8 whole days. I am pretty proud of myself I have to say.  I have not had a headache, or really even wanted to drink a pop, and for me, this is a HUGE accomplishment.  I have been drinking a lot of white and green tea, to satisfy my want for caffeine and sweetness, and it really seems to be working.

We ate out twice in the last 7 days. :( However, I do find success in this because I had lemonade to drink both times, no pop!

I cooked dinner at home every night, except for the night I failed. I did cook, but it didn't work so we went and got pizza with friends. Sigh. I'm not totally upset about it, it was nice to get out of the house and see people I hadn't seen in a while. And I had salad with my pizza. :) The meals I cooked this week were:

Barbecue chicken from the crockpot with roasted potatoes and green beans
Stuffed shells (I snuck some spinach in the stuffing!) & salad
Skinny alfredo with whole wheat penne
Breakfast for dinner: Scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and home fries
Whole wheat angel hair with garlic butter sauce and peas

I am forgetting one meal, but whatevs. The point is, I tried to make a vegetable with each meal, and I tried to make the pasta dishes as healthy as possible. We really really love pasta and it is really really hard to give it up. So I'm doing the best I can-buying whole wheat, (I like Ronzoni Healthy Harvest, the only ingredient is whole wheat durum (?) flour), making homemade sauce, and being sure to pair it with a vegetable.

For lunches this week I had salad or leftovers. I snacked on yogurt, granola, fruit, cashews, or veggie straws. (Those things are fantastic. They are the texture of chips-the best part-but are made of vegetables. Yum). Okay okay and one time I had Skyline with Ben. I needed to get out of the house. But I didn't drink pop while I was there!

Overall I would say this week was 85% successful. The next few days should be interesting as Kato and I are planning on going away this weekend, because Ben will be gone. No point in sitting at home alone, might as well go see my family! Hopefully I can maintain my new habits. I plan on taking some snacks with me.  The Superbowl is this weekend, so I'll be looking for something homemade, minimally processed, and delicious to make!
Here is my angel hair dish this week.  Yes. That is bacon on top. I know I know, bacon is terrible. No health benefit whatsoever. But it is SO yummy.  I got the most natural bacon I could find, and man it was so good. It really made the dish. Maybe someday I will give up bacon, but this is not the week.  

Note: I have now had 2 people in about a week talk about Green Bean Delivery. This is something I am seriously considering, everyone seems to love it. I want to do a price comparison first, but I really think we could benefit from it!

Here's hoping I can continue this plan, and be a healthier me again this week!!

1 comment:

  1. awesome! today show did a superbowl healthy fried chicken and sunflower root (looked like potato) snack today. check it out!
