Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Taking care of me.

I have a confession. I am NOT a healthy person. Some people think I am because of the way I look. I'm not.  I love pop and drink it all the time. I love all candy and eat it often.  I love Taco Bell and most fast food, and I really like eating out. I have very little willpower.  I have a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science, but I currently exercise about 0 times per week.

It's time for this girl to make a change.  In November, I really felt my metabolism slowing down, just like everyone said it would some day.  I literally woke up one morning and only 1 pair of pants fit.  I have been concerned about this since that time. My solution for being healthier has always been to run or exercise in some way. I've considered doing the Kentucky Derby Festival Triple Crown, but I can't run outside when it snows 3 inches every 3 days, or the temperatures are below 0. (Treadmills=sucksville. No thanks). So this weekend I had a ton of time to think, we're talking 18 total hours in the car, and I came to a couple decisions.  If exercise isn't going to happen this winter, (it WILL happen in the spring. Kato loves to run, he's going to be my running buddy!), then the healthy change I need to make has to be with food.  I decided that this blog would be a good way to hold myself accountable. Each Friday I will talk about the healthy choices I've made that week, and the meals that I've cooked at home.

I dislike the word diet and won't say that I am on a "diet". I associate "diets" with failing for some reason. I don't know why, but I do, and therefore I am not on a "diet", because I don't want to fail. Also, a diet to me means trying to lose weight. Losing weight would be a great plus, but that is not the goal here. ("omg I really wanna lose 3 pounds!" Name the movie! =P ) My goal is to be a healthier person, and do everything I can now to ensure health for the rest of my life.  Not just a healthier weight, but a healthier heart, brain, and body!

 I looked up a few different options. It would be amazing to eat clean, and that is what I am basing my plan off. I am not sure that being completely clean is practical, especially when I live with someone who simply won't give up certain things. He supports me in whatever I do, but if I have stuff in the house for him, there's a high likelihood that I will eat it too.  We had a lengthy discussion about this and came to what I think is a pretty good plan.

I am going to cut way back on bread. I say this as we had meatball sandwiches last night for dinner, but I don't want to eat white bread more than 1 or 2 times per week. In the past I've eaten it almost every day. I know that I could get away with eating wheat bread, and get some nutrients in the process, but I really don't like wheat bread. If I buy bread for Ben, he will take it to work.  I am also cutting out bagels. This will be tough because I love them, but I know I can make much better choices for breakfast. Also, I'm trying only whole wheat pasta, and pasta itself only once per week.

I am going to eat minimal sugar. No pop, (2 days in, so far so good!), or cookies or candy. I have to admit we have some m & m's in the house right now, but as soon as they are gone, no more! I have a thing about eating something sweet at the end of every meal, so my something sweet will be a piece of fruit. If I don't buy cookies and pop and candy, I won't eat them!

I am trying to buy only those products with ingredients I can pronounce. Aka cutting way back on processed food. This is a huge one. I love cheese-it's, chips, popsicles, hot dogs, fruit snacks, juice, gatorade, etc. If it's processed, I love it. But. I know there are ingredients in processed food that are just plain bad for me, and making me unhealthy, so I have to quit.

I am going to eat more fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, & lean proteins. These are things that are mostly natural and beneficial to my overall health.

I've been on my healthy eating plan for 2 full days. I started Sunday night when we ate at Cracker Barrel. I had grilled chicken tenders instead of my usual fried, green beans instead of my usual hash brown casserole, and salad instead of my usual mac & cheese. Yesterday was the first full day. For lunch I had spinach salad with corn and black beans. And a banana. (Okay and ranch dressing BUT when it's gone I won't buy it again I promise!)

This week at the grocery store I did really well. I bought lots of fruits and vegetables, both fresh and canned. (I made sure the canned fruits and vegetables only had ingredients that I recognized). I bought healthy snacks, like cashews, granola, and dried fruit.  I bought turkey bacon instead of regular bacon. (I am so not ready to give up bacon completely!)

Another part of this plan is to start making my own food. Some things I want to make instead of buy are: Ranch & french dressing, barbecue sauce, taco, ranch and italian seasoning, pasta, alfredo sauce, hash browns and fries, cream of chicken soup, chicken broth, salsa & granola bars. It will be a lot of work but I'm up for the challenge, especially while I'm not working and don't have a lot to do other than care for my pup. I'll be sure to document it all!

Last night I made marinara and it turned out fabulous. Restaurant quality, but MAN it was a mess. And took a while. Worth it though, because I know exactly what's in it, and I know it is a much better option than jarred!
Here's my marinara simmering on the stove. Yum! There was plenty leftover for the freezer too!

Overall, my goal is to be healthy. I hope that the blog will keep me accountable, and I can learn to make better choices! Here's to a healthier me!


  1. Oy. I've been trying this eating healthy and clean thing for awhile now. I definitely feel better when I actually follow through, but that's probably only about 50% of the time. One tip from my health nut friends is oatmeal and fruit in the morning instead of cereal. That's one that I wish I followed more.

    Good luck!! xoxo K8

    1. Thanks. This week was alright, I hope I can keep it up. Miss you friend!

  2. I am right there with you! Living in France, I have found myself eating better in some ways and worse in others. I walk everywhere which is nice, but I also don't always feel safe enough to go on runs. I admire you in cutting out so much.

    1. Thanks. It's really hard! Have fun in France :)
